Sunday, September 22, 2024


Call to allocate 7 bln dinars to construct Anbar-Baghdad bridge

 Call to allocate 7 bln dinars to construct Anbar-Baghdad bridge

concrete_segbridgeAl-Anbar ( On Sunday, Anbar Provincial Council called the Iraqi PM Haidar al-Abadi to allocate 7 billion dinars to construct the Bazibir Bridge which links between Anbar and Baghdad provinces.

The head of the reconstruction committee in the council, Khalaf al-Tarmooz, said: “The council is calling the Prime Minister to allocate an amount of 7 billion dinars for the construction of the Bazibir Iron Bridge, which is going to link between Anbar and Baghdad from its southern region.”

Tarmooz added, “The project was passed to al-Mu’tasim Company, but the company did not start its work until now due to the procrastination by the Ministry of Construction and Housing to allocate the money for the project.”