Monday, September 23, 2024


Abadi’s Office denies his visit to Erbil, calls for news accuracy

 Abadi’s Office denies his visit to Erbil, calls for news accuracy

The Prime Minister, Haider al-Abadi

The  Prime Minister, Haider al-Abadi
The Prime Minister, Haider al-Abadi

( On Wednesday, Prime Minister’s Office denied that Haider al-Abadi had visited Erbil, pointing out to the need for the media to respect the controls of professionalism in covering the government officials’ activities.

The spokesman for Abadi’s Office, Saad al-Sabri said in an interview for IraqiNews, “It is not true what was reported by some media on the visit of PM Haider al-Abadi to Kurdistan,” calling on the media to be accurate in their news.

Sabri stressed the need to adhere to the controls of professionalism and accuracy in news published about the activities of Iraqi officials.


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