Saturday, September 21, 2024


ISIS leaflets printed in Iraq’s neighboring countries found east of Salahuddin

 ISIS leaflets printed in Iraq’s neighboring countries found east of Salahuddin


( Diyala province police announced Saturday that ISIS leaflets printed in some of Iraq’s neighboring countries have been found east of Salahuddin, stressing that these leaflets came to promote the extremist ideology and recruit more young people in ISIS ranks.

Police chief Lt. Gen. Jamil al-Shammari stated to IraqiNews, “The joint security forces backed by the Volunteer Fighters (al-Hashd al- Sha’bi) have found ISIS leaflets in some villages east of Salahuddin, they were printed in one of the neighboring countries, according to the available information.”

Shammari added, “The leaflets are professionally designed, and their main objective is to promote extremist ideas and recruit more young people in ISIS ranks,” pointing out that, “The means to support the terrorist group unfold day after day, and confirm the presence of supportive foreign parties working to undermine the unity and security of Iraq.”