Saturday, September 21, 2024


ISIS militants killed while attempting to enter Tikrit

 ISIS militants killed while attempting to enter Tikrit

Representational file photo.

Representational file photo.
Representational file photo.


( On Sunday, the Iraqi Army and al-Hashd al-Sah’bi troops killed dozens of ISIS elements while they were trying to move from Dour district to the the city of Tikrit. reporter stated, This afternoon, Abrams tanks belonging to the Iraqi Army and the Volunteer Fighters (al Hashd al Sha’bi) were able to kill dozens of ISIS militants.”

He added that the militants were moving towards the city of Tikrit from Dour district across the Tigris River.

The security forces and the Volunteer Fighters moved dozens of displaced families from the areas of al-Alam and Dour to the center of Samarra.

On Sunday, the security forces backed by the Volunteer Fighters managed to control Falka in al-Alalam east of Tikrit and surrounded it from all sides in preparation for raiding it.


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