Sunday, September 22, 2024


Iraq rejects Iranian impingement on its sovereignty

 Iraq rejects Iranian impingement on its sovereignty

15d24aba-5996-4a3018182152013_234Baghdad ( On Wednesday, Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed strong condemnation of the statements made by the Iranian President’s Advisor about Baghdad being the capital of the Iranian empire.

Iraqi FM denounced the statements of the Iranian President’s Advisor Ali Yonsei that Baghdad has become the capital of the Iranian empire.

“Iraq will not allow any country’s interference in its internal affairs or impingement on its national sovereignty,” the ministry said in a statement.

According to Iranian News Agency ISNA, Yonsei stated in a conference in Tehran, “Iran today has become an empire as it was throughout history and its capital now is Baghdad in Iraq, which is the center of our civilization and our culture and identity today just as it was in the past.”