Sunday, September 22, 2024


Our doors open for Arabs to join Peshmerga, says Barzani

 Our doors open for Arabs to join Peshmerga, says Barzani
President of Kurdistan, Massoud Barzani
President of Kurdistan, Massoud Barzani


( President of Kurdistan Massoud Barzani said on Sunday, that the doors are open for Arabs to fight in the ranks of the Kurdish Peshmerga forces, calling the federal government to do its duty in the liberated areas.

Barzani said during a meeting with Arab tribal elders attended by, “The doors are open for Arabs to join the Peshmerga ranks in their fight against terrorism, and without discrimination,” urging the federal government to do its duty and provide services in the liberated areas.

Barzani added, “We should not feed grudges and hatred. Those who refused loyalty to ISIS must live freely and with dignity, while those who chose to be with ISIS, their fate will be like ISIS’ fate.”

“All Kurdish areas have been liberated and are now ready to contribute in the operations to liberate the rest of Iraq,” calling on everyone to cooperate in order to build a spirit of cooperation and brotherhood.