Saturday, September 21, 2024


Deadliest ISIS attack on Ramadi foiled, says Golden Division

 Deadliest ISIS attack on Ramadi foiled, says Golden Division

Deputy Commander of Golden Division in Anbar province, Brigadier General Abdul Amir al-Khazraji

Deputy Commander of Golden Division in Anbar province, Brigadier General Abdul Amir al-Khazraji
Deputy Commander of Golden Division in Anbar province, Brigadier General Abdul Amir al-Khazraji


Al-Anbar ( Deputy commander of the Golden Division in Anbar province, Brigadier General Abdul Amir al-Khazraji said Tuesday, that his forces have been able to repel the deadliest four-day long ISIS attack on the city of Ramadi, indicating that the attack was conducted by suicide bombers using vehicle bombs and explosive devices.

Khazraji informed, “A force of Counter-Terrorism, in cooperation with the local police and the tribal fighters, was able to repel the deadliest ISIS attack in Andalusia regions and the officers and teachers neighborhoods in downtown Ramadi,” noting that, “The attack lasted for four days.”

Khazraji added that, “Our forces managed to repel the attack conducted by suicide bombers wearing explosive belts, vehicle bombs, explosive devices and other weapons,” indicating, “Major material and human causalities were infected upon ISIS ranks.”

Anbar province decided on March 11th to impose a four-day curfew on the city of Ramadi to protect civilians from ISIS attacks.


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