Friday, September 20, 2024


More than 25 Yazidi killed while trying to enter Europe

 More than 25 Yazidi killed while trying to enter Europe

إجلاء آلاف الإيزيديين المحاصرين من جبل سنجار

( On Thursday, Yazidi Affairs Directorate of Dohuk province announced the death of more than 25 Yazidi who were trying to illegally enter European countries, asserting that others are still missing.

The director of the Department of Yazidi Affairs in the province, Hadi Dobani said in an interview with, “More than 25 Yazidis have been killed over the past months on the border between Turkey and the European countries while trying to illegally enter Europe,” noting that, “Some drowned in the sea, and others died of cold or thirst.”

Dobani added that, “There is a number of other Yezidis who are still missing,” pointing out that, “The Yazidis have faced difficult conditions in the past months because of ISIS dominance on their areas, prompting thousands of them to emigrate.”