Sunday, September 22, 2024


Kurdish forces kill 25 ISIL terrorists in Telskuf northeastern Mosul

Peshmerga kill 25 ISIL terrorists in Telskuf northeastern Mosul

Nineveh ( Kurdish Peshmerga Forces have killed 25 terrorists of the ISIL after repelling an attack in Telskuf district northeastern Mosul province today morning.

The media spokesman of Democratic Kurdish party in section 14 in Mosul, Saeed Mumuzini, told the reporter of that “a group of the terrorists of the ISIL has strongly attacked Telskuf outskirt where Peshmerga forces are centered but it is repelled by heavy weapons by Peshmerga , killing 25 of the terrorists without causalities in Peshmerga Forces.”

“The terrorists have been doing many attacks on different pivots to demoralize the forces in Newroz festivities but they were foiled,” he concluded.