Friday, September 27, 2024


Joint forces repel ISIS attack on Counter-Terrorism headquarters in Ramadi

 Joint forces repel ISIS attack on Counter-Terrorism headquarters in Ramadi


( A security source in Anbar province announced on Sunday, that the Iraqi joint forces were able to repel an ISIS attack on Counter-Terrorism Directorate headquarters in downtown Ramadi, noting that the terrorist group elements fired several mortar rounds at the Palace of Justice next to the Directorate.

The source informed, “Today, joint forces of the police, the army and the tribal fighters were able to repel an ISIS attack on the headquarters of Anbar Counter-Terrorism Directorate in central Ramadi,” noting that, “Violent clashes broke out between the two side, which led to the death of large numbers of ISIS elements. ”

The source, who requested to remain anonymous, added, “The terrorist group elements fired several mortar shells in conjunction with the attack on the Palace of Justice next to the Directorate complex, leaving without casualties,” pointing out that, “The Palace includes Tasfirat prison of Anbar, Anbar Court of Appeals and the houses of judges, prosecutors and the Directorate Judicial Police. “