Friday, September 27, 2024


Abadi: Victory on terrorism became certain

Abadi: Victory on terrorism became certain

Baghdad ( The Iraqi prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said “Victory on terrorism became certain,” accusing some sides of attempting to “drag Iraq into sectarian conflicts.”

Abadi received in his office in Baghdad on Sunday a delegation from Jaghayfa Tribe from Haditha city in Anbar.

Statement by Abadi’s office received by cited “Both Abadi and Jaghayfa delegation discussed security situation in Haditha city and its struggle against the terrorists of the ISIL in addition to humanitarian requirements of the city.”

Abadi highlighted the struggle of Haditha citizens against the terrorist gangs, stressing that “The challenge is huge but victory became certain.”

PM Abadi emphasized necessity of delivering items of the ration card to residents of Haditha city.

“Abadi added that some sides are trying to involve Iraq into sectarian conflicts but all Iraqis are aware of this conspiracy and they are sacrificing their souls to defend their country,” the statement concluded. /End/