Saturday, September 21, 2024


Biden, Abadi discuss latest updates in Iraq

Biden, Abadi discuss latest updates in Iraq

Baghdad ( US Vice President Joseph Biden discussed in a phone call with Iraqi Prime Minister , Haider al-Abadi, the military

operations taking place in Anbar and Salahuddin provinces.

A statement issued by the White House, “Vice President Joe Biden spoke Saturday with Prime Minister , Haider al-Abadi where they discussed the ongoing military operations in parts of Iraq, including the provinces of Anbar and Salahuddin.”

The statement noted that Biden noted to the “US support for Iraq’s security as part of the Strategic Framework Agreement and with full respect for the sovereignty and independence of Iraq.”

He added that Biden praised “the leadership of Prime Minister by clearing Tikrit operations from ISIS, and paid tribute to the national Iraqi security forces and Iraqis who have volunteered to join the war against ISIS.”

Both sides stressed “on the strong support for continued cooperation between the Iraqi government and the international coalition,” according to the White House statement. /End/