Saturday, September 21, 2024


Dozens demonstrate against coalition’s intervention in Tikrit battle

 Dozens demonstrate against coalition’s intervention in Tikrit battle


( On Saturday, dozens of people from Balad district and Dhuluiya area in Salahuddin province demonstrated against the US-led international coalition intervention in the operation to liberate Tikrit.

IraqiNews reporter stated that dozens demonstrated in the district of Balad and Dhuluiya area in Salahuddin province.

He added that the demonstrators demanded the government to stop the US-led coalition’s intervention in the battle of Tikrit, and being hand in hand with the Volunteer Fighters (al-Hashd al Sha’bi) forces.

The US-led international coalition was ordered to conduct strikes against ISIS in Tikrit, said the Pentagon on March 26th.

The Volunteer Fighters forces suspended their operations in the battle of Tikrit in protest against the participation of the coalition.