Saturday, September 21, 2024


Tikrit operations not halted, coalition’s intervention causes confusion, says Salahuddin Security Committee

 Tikrit operations not halted, coalition’s intervention causes confusion, says Salahuddin Security Committee

Iraqi army forces. File photo.

Representational file photo.
Representational file photo.

( On Saturday, Security Committee of Salahuddin Provincial Council confirmed that Tikrit operations are not halted, indicating that the US-led international coalition’s intervention has caused an upheaval, and that the liberation of the city will be in the next few days.

Vice-Chairman of the Committee Khaled al-Khazraji said in an interview, “Tikrit operations have not been halted,” noting that, “Salahuddin operations are an Iraqi weft where its fight side by side with the security forces.”

Khazraji pointed out that, “More than 250 fighters from Tikrit are involved in the fighting with the Volunteer Fighters (al-Hashd al Sha’bi) forces.”

Khazraji continued, “The international coalition’s intervention has caused an upheaval in the operations; some resistance factions, including the League of the Righteous, Saraya Peace and Hezbollah Brigades, have suspended their participation,” adding that, “If the matter was left to the Iraqi forces and the Volunteer Fighters without coalitions’ interference, we would have made a fast progress.”


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