Friday, September 20, 2024


Assad: ISIL expands in Iraq, Syria since US strikes start

Assad: ISIL expands in Iraq, Syria since US strikes start

Baghdad ( The Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said in an interview with an American television station that ISIS who seized swathes of territory in Syria and Iraq

and is earning recruits since the start of air strikes by the United States-led war against the militant group.

Asked about the size of advantage that ISIS had won from these raids in Syria, which began last September, Assad said to “60 Minutes” program on CBS, “station that Sometimes a local benefit may happen but in general, if you’re talking about the Islamic state organization then the organization has expanded actually since the start of strikes. “

Assad said in an interview aired Sunday that there are some estimates that say that the Islamic state organization is attracting one thousand recruits a month in Syria.

He said, ” it expands in Iraq and Libya as many other organizations linked to al Qaeda allegiance announced allegiance to ISIS so this is the situation now.” /End/