Friday, September 20, 2024


British Minister for Middle East welcomes liberating Tikrit by ISF

British Minister for Middle East welcomes liberating Tikrit by ISF

Baghdad ( British Minister for the Middle-East, Tobias Ellwood, welcomed the Government of Iraq’s liberation of Tikrit and reiterates UK support for Iraq in the fight against ISIL.

Speaking today, Minister Ellwood said: I welcome the news that the Government of Iraq has raised the Iraqi flag again in Tikrit. The UK is committed to supporting the Iraqi government against the terrorism of the vile organisation ISIL. However whilst this is a critical achievement it is a first step in a long campaign.

We are proud that the international coalition has supported the Iraqi Security Forces in its efforts to defeat ISIL and despite their propaganda machine, ISIL are losing this fight. I echo Prime Minister Abadi’s recent call that all parties respect the human rights of citizens in Tikrit who have already suffered so much at the hands of brutal ISIL terrorists,” he concluded. /End/