Friday, September 27, 2024


President Abadi urgently sends Iraqi Army to reinforce Ramadi against ISIS attacks

 President Abadi urgently sends Iraqi Army to reinforce Ramadi against ISIS attacks

Iraqi Military spokesman, Brigadier General Saad Maan.

The Ministry of Defense spokesman, Brigadier General Saad Maan
Iraqi Military spokesman, Brigadier General Saad Maan.

( Baghdad – The spokesman for the Anbar Joint Operations Command. Brigadier General Saad Maan, announced on Friday that the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, President Haider Abadi, decided to send military forces to Anbar promptly.

Maan said in a statement received by, “the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces held on Thursday evening an emergency meeting attended by Interior Minister Mohammed Ghaban, and decided to swiftly send military forces to strengthen the defending forces on Ramadi.”

Maan added that,”the defending forces from the center of the city of Ramadi play a heroic role and will stop ISIS attacks.”

MPs and ministers from Anbar province staged on Friday a pause inside the Green Zone in central Baghdad in protest against the situation taking place in the province.