Friday, September 27, 2024


Ramadi tribes are fighting alongside Iraqi security forces says Anbar Council

 Ramadi tribes are fighting alongside Iraqi security forces says Anbar Council

File photo of tribal fighters

File photo of tribal fighters
File photo of tribal fighters

( Ramadi – Members of Anbar provincial Council stated on Wednesday, that Ramadi clans are fighting alongside the security forces, urging the Defense and Interior ministries to supply tribal fighters with arms and ammunition to continue to fight.

A member of the council Aid Amash said in an interview for, “the clans and fighters from sons of Ramadi are backing the security forces in the military operations to liberate and restore all the areas controlled by the ISIS group.”

Amash added, “the tribes of Albu Fahd, Albu Anwan, Albu Daib, Abu Risha and other tribes did not come out of Ramadi and remained so as to fight in defense of the city of Ramadi against terrorist and criminal groups.”