Sunday, September 29, 2024


Coalition warplanes killed over half of ISIS leadership says US Ambassador to Iraq

 Coalition warplanes killed over half of ISIS leadership says US Ambassador to Iraq

The US ambassador to Iraq, Stuart Jones

The US ambassador to Iraq, Stuart Jones
The US ambassador to Iraq, Stuart Jones

( The United States announced on Thursday, that the US-led international coalition warplanes have killed more than half of ISIS’ leaders while confirmed that it will participate in military operations waged by any forces under the command of the Iraqi authority.

US ambassador to Iraq Stuart Jones said during a meeting with a number of media agencies, including “The international coalition’s strikes have killed more than half of ISIS leaders,” emphasizing that, “There were no losses among civilians or Iraqi forces.”

Jones added, “There is no disagreement between the Iraqi government and the US government about Tikrit bombings,” noting that, “All the coalition’s operations are under the command of Iraqi authority.”

On March 26, 2015 the US State Department claimed that the international coalition had launched 1,678 strikes against ISIS in Iraq.