Tuesday, September 24, 2024


President of France confirms death of 100 French nationals in Iraq and Syria

 President of France confirms death of 100 French nationals in Iraq and Syria

French President Francois Hollande

French President Francois Hollande
French President Francois Hollande

(IraqiNews.com) French President Francois Hollande confirmed on Tuesday that about 100 French nationals have been killed in Iraq and Syria, and the security of the Arabian Gulf represents the security of the entire world and that France will not remain silent about the current events in the region.

Hollande said in a speech during the Gulf’s leaders summit held in the Saudi capital Riyadh and followed up by IraqiNews.com, “The threats facing the Gulf region are facing France as well, and we want to be a strong and reliable ally of the Gulf states,” noting that, “100 French militants were killed in Iraq and Syria.”

Hollande added, “The Gulf’s security means the security of the whole world,” stressing at the same time that his country “will not remain a spectator on the ongoing events in the region.”