Tuesday, September 24, 2024


ISIS claims Khalis prison attack, 30 ISIS elements escape in Diyala

 ISIS claims Khalis prison attack, 30 ISIS elements escape in Diyala

ISIS elements.Archival photo.

ISIS elements.Archival photo.
ISIS elements.Archival photo.

(IraqiNews.com) Baghdad – On Saturday, ISIS claimed the Khalis prison attack in Diyala province, while emphasized the escape of 30 of its elements whom it described as “Knights of the Caliphate State.”

ISIS said in a statement published on Twitter, according to the CNN network, that during the operation carried out in Khalis prison, ISIS elements activated 15 explosive devices and clashed in the prison, which led to the escape of 30 elements.

ISIS stated, “Our brothers inside the prison were in coordination with our heroes outside to determine the zero hour.”

“At the same time, the prisoners managed to seize waepons inside the prison, and attacked and killed a number of prison guards,” the statement added.

The spokesman for the Interior Ministry Brigadier Saad Maan announced on Saturday the escape of 40 prisoners, including nine terrorists from Khalis prison, stressing that the attempt to escape was from inside the prison and it was not an attack from the outside.