Saturday, September 21, 2024


Yemen’s President asks Saudi Arabia for ground intervention, warns of “tipping the scales”

 Yemen’s President asks Saudi Arabia for ground intervention, warns of “tipping the scales”

Former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh

Former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh
Former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh

( On Sunday, former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh called Saudi Arabia for ground confrontation, while considered what is happening in Yemen a “war of annihilation, revenge and hatred” on the Yemeni people, warning of “tipping the scales” in the entire region.

According to ‘Russia Today’ website, Saleh appeared in a video―after the Arab coalition had shelled his house in Sanaa―in which he pointed out that, “What is happening in Yemen is a war of annihilation, revenge and hatred on the Yemeni people,” calling for “vigilance and steadfastness.”

Saleh called on the coalition led by Saudi Arabia to access his country, vowing an exceptional combat reception over the Yemeni territory.

Saleh warned of “tipping of the scales in the entire region” if Saudi Arabia did not stop the aggression.

The former Yemeni president said that he did not ally with Ansar Allah Group, yet he announced his alliance with all those who defend Yemen.