Friday, September 20, 2024


ISIS forces Yazidi children to change religion, train them on suicide bombings

 ISIS forces Yazidi children to change religion, train them on suicide bombings

ISIS trains children on the use of weapons and suicide bombings.

ISIS trains children on the use of weapons and suicide bombings.
ISIS trains children on the use of weapons and suicide bombings.

( Dohuk – Yazidis office of detainees in Dohuk revealed on Wednesday, that ISIS has opened special centers for Yazidi children to be trained on weapons and suicide bombings, and forced them to change their religion, stressing that the terrorist organization brainwashes the Yazidi children in these camps.

Office official Hussein Qaiadi said, “ISIS has established special training centers for abducted Yazidi children in the Syrian town of Raqqa,” noting that, “The Yazidi children receive mandatory training on weapons and suicide operations.”

“ISIS brainwashes these children and force them to change their religion through a variety of means,” Qaiadi added.