Monday, September 23, 2024


27 terrorists killed in al-Karma east of Falluja, says Baghdad Operations

 27 terrorists killed in al-Karma east of Falluja, says Baghdad Operations

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( Baghdad – on Wednesday, Baghdad Operations Command announced the death of 27 ISIS terrorists, including two foreigners, as well as the destruction of six dens belonging to ISIS, in addition to dismantling 17 booby-trapped house and explosive devices in the district of al-Karma east of Falluja.

Baghdad Operations Command said in a statement followed by, “our security forces under the direct supervision by the commander of Baghdad Operations, launched operations to liberate the rest of al-Karma area and the surrounding areas,” indicating that, “The operation resulted in inflicting a clear defeat upon the terrorists’s ranks, during the operation of Fajr al-Karma.”

“These forces managed to kill 27 terrorists, including two foreigners, and the destruction of six dens, as well as dismantling five improvised explosive devices and 12 booby-trapped houses,” pointing out that ”two wheels bombs were destroyed, in addition to targeting eight groupings of the enemy,” the statement also noted.

It is noteworthy that a large-scale military operation has been launched recently, with the participation of the international airline alliance in the area of al-Karma east of Falluja.