Monday, September 23, 2024


ISIS seizes Iraqi side of key Syria border crossing after army’s withdrawal

 ISIS seizes Iraqi side of key Syria border crossing after army’s withdrawal

Archival photo.

The border port with Syria Al-Walid
The border port with Syria Al-Walid

( Anbar – the Committee of border crossing points in Anbar council announced on Sunday ISIS control on the border crossing between Syria and Iraq, while blamed the government for the fall of the port.

The Chairman of the Committee Suad Jassim said in an interview for, “ISIS has the Al-Walid post on the border between Iraq and Syria “, indicating that “This came after the withdrawal of security forces from the port and heading to Trebil border with Jordan.”

Jassim has carried the government the responsibility for the fall of Al-Walid border port at the hands of ISIS ,pointing out that “the government did not respond to our calls on sending military reinforcements to the port due to lack of sufficient forces to protect it.”