Thursday, September 26, 2024


Iraq lost 2300 armored vehicles in Mosul, says Abadi

 Iraq lost 2300 armored vehicles in Mosul, says Abadi

Hummer vehicles. Archival Photo.

Hummer vehicles. Archival Photo.
Hummer vehicles. Archival Photo.

( Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi announced on Sunday that the Iraqi security forces have lost 2300 military armored Hummer vehicles during the fall of the city of Mosul at the hands of ISIS last summer.

Abadi said during a meeting with the Iraqi official channel,”we have lost in the collapse of Mosul a lot of weapons and equipment,” indicating,” we lost 2300 Hummer vehicles in Mosul alone “.

“it is clear that they have enhanced the capabilities of ISIS,” Abadi added.

Abadi explained, “We lose Hummer vehicles and tanks in the ongoing battles; now arming is difficult,” noting that, “many maintenance companies and contractors, either Russians or Americans pulled out when the security situation had deteriorated in Iraq.”

US Department of Defense confirmed sales deal for Iraq last year including a $579-million-worth Hummer vehicles.

ISIS organization has controlled Mosul in June 2014, after an attack allowed them to seize large areas of the country, after the withdrawal of Iraqi forces.

The ISIS militants seized large quantities of weapons and military equipment belonging to four military divisions that were deployed in Mosul.