Saturday, September 21, 2024


150 ISIS elements killed in aerial bombing targeted their convoy west of Anbar

 150 ISIS elements killed in aerial bombing targeted their convoy west of Anbar

Representational file photo.

Representational file photo.
Representational file photo.

( Anbar – On Thursday, 150 elements belonging to ISIS have been killed the in an aerial bombing targeted their convoy west of Anbar.

“Sky News Arabic” channel reported in breaking news followed by, “aerial bombardment targeted a great convoy of ISIS criminal elements in Al-Qa’im district western Anbar province.”

“The bombing resulted in the death of nearly 150 ISIS elements, as well as the destruction of their wheels and arms,” Sky News Arabic added.

The air strikes have targeted the largest complex of car bombings and IED-making in Hawija district in Kirkuk,resulled in the killing of hundreds of ISIS, and several others with various injuries.