Friday, September 20, 2024


More than 400 Tajik are fighting alongside ISIS

 More than 400 Tajik are fighting alongside ISIS

Archival photo.

Archival photo.
Archival photo.

( Baghdad – The Prosecutor in Tajikistan, Yusuf Ahmed Zouda, announced on Monday that more than 400 Tajik, mostly between the ages of 18 and 35 years, are fighting alongside ISIS militants in Syria and Iraq.

Zouda said: “About 40 people went to Syria and Iraq with their families to join the ISIS terrorists”, calling on local authorities “to respond effectively to any manifestation of extremism and carry out sensitization among young people and explain the extent of the risk of this terrorist organization. ”

The Tajik officer Gu Murad Halimov, commander of a Tajik special force, appeared in a video last May, declaring alliance to ISIS, and that he would return to Tajikistan to implement the state there.

The Supreme Court of Tajikistan incorporated ISIS on the list of terrorist organizations, indicating that citizens belonging to it will be tried on charges of “terrorism”.