Thursday, September 26, 2024


Britain to send 125 additional military trainers to Iraq

 Britain to send 125 additional military trainers to Iraq

British Prime Minister David Cameron

British Prime Minister David Cameron
British Prime Minister David Cameron

( Baghdad – British Prime Minister David Cameron announced that his country will send an additional 125 soldiers to Iraq to help in the battle against ISIS, explaining that most of the additional military personnel will contribute to the training of Iraqi soldiers on how to deal with improvised explosive devices.

Cameron said that most of the additional military personnel will contribute to the training of Iraqi soldiers on how to deal with improvised explosive devices.

This commitment will raise the total of British military personnel, who are training security forces in Iraq, to more than 275 elements.

The British Premiership spokesman said that the additional assistance has been provided at the request of Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi.

Britain announced last March that it plans to send about 60 military to Iraq to help in the provision of training Kurdish forces to fight against ISIS.