Sunday, September 22, 2024


We supplied 12 Iraqi brigades with weapons, equipment, says US Ambassador

 We supplied 12 Iraqi brigades with weapons, equipment, says US Ambassador

US ambassador in Baghdad Stuart Jones

US ambassador in Baghdad Stuart Jones
US ambassador in Baghdad Stuart Jones

( Baghdad – US ambassador in Baghdad Stuart Jones announced on Tuesday, that his country supplied 12 Iraqi army brigades with weapons and equipment, while pointed to the existence of preparations for the rehabilitation of Balad camp in Salahuddin province and the delivery of the F16 fighter jets, stressing that Washington does not want to create new camps in Iraq.

Jones said during a press conference held today at the Embassy with a number of media networks including, “The United States is providing 12 military brigades with arms and equipment, including three brigades belonging to the Peshmerga,” noting that, “this armament includes light and medium weapons, mortars, wheels and armors.”

“We do not want to make new camps in Iraq, and we have some military personnel train and equip Iraqi forces to strengthen their capacity to defeat ISIS,” Jones added.

Jones continued that “the F16 fighter jets will be delivered with its integrated systems during the current summer”.

It is noteworthy that the US Air Force had signed contracts worth $ 838 million with one of the American companies for the rehabilitation of Balad Air Base in Iraq in order to be ready to receive the F 16 fighter jets.