Sunday, September 22, 2024


Oil revenues of May amounted to more than 5 billion dollars

 Oil revenues of May amounted to more than 5 billion dollars

Representational file photo.

Representational file photo.
Representational file photo.

( Baghdad – The Oil Ministry announced on Monday the increase of exported quantities of crude oil to unprecedented levels for the month of May, indicating that the ports of Basra exported more than 83 million barrels, while confirmed that the average selling price was (55.867) dollars per barrel.

The official spokesman for the Oil Ministry, Assem Jihad said in a statement received by, “the total exported quantities and the revenues for the month of May recorded a significant increase in terms of total exports amounted to Ninety-seven million five hundred thousand barrels , and the total revenues amounted to five billion four hundred and forty-seven million dollars (5,447).”

Jihad added: “the amount of exports from southern ports in Basra was eighty-three million five hundred thousand barrels (83.5) and the revenues amounted to four billion and six hundred and twenty-nine million dollars (4,629), while the total amount of exported oil from the Kirkuk oil fields reached fourteen million barrels and the revenues amounted to eight hundred and eighteen million dollars (818). “