Thursday, September 26, 2024


Abadi dismisses the army chief of staff Gen. Babacar Zebari

 Abadi dismisses the army chief of staff Gen. Babacar Zebari

Army chief of staff Gen. Babacar Zebari

Army chief of staff Gen. Babacar Zebari
Army chief of staff Gen. Babacar Zebari

( Baghdad- Commander of the armed forces, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi decided on Monday the referral of army chief of staff Gen. Babacar Zebari into retirement.

An informed source said in an interview for “Abadi referred the army chief of staff Gen. Babacar Zebari into retirement”, without giving further details.

The general commander of the armed forces, Haider al-Abadi referred in (April 13, 2015) more than 300 officers in the Ministry of Defense to retire.