Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Bani Saad bombing exceeded 200 dead and wounded, confirms local official

 Bani Saad bombing exceeded 200 dead and wounded, confirms local official

Vice president of Diyala provincial council, Mohammed al-Hamdani

Vice president of Diyala provincial council, Mohammed al-Hamdani
Vice president of Diyala provincial council, Mohammed al-Hamdani

(IraqiNews.com) Diyala – Vice president of Diyala provincial council, Mohammed al-Hamdani announced on Saturday, that the final outcome of Bani Saad bombing exceeded 200 dead and wounded, indicating to the existence of more than 20 missing.

Hamdani said in an interview for IraqiNews.com: “The proceeds of the car bomb explosion in Bani Saad (20 km southwest of Baquba) on Friday amounted to more than 90 dead and more than 125 wounded, including dozens of critical cases.”

Hamdani added that “more than 20 civilians are missing at the moment because of the blast force, which also resulted in the destruction of more than 50 shops and about 70 vehicles.”

Hamdani indicated: “what happened in Bani Saad market is a heinous massacre against innocent people,” stressing that, “A high commission of inquiry has been set up to look into the circumstances of the terrorist attack.”