Saturday, September 28, 2024


15 ISIS elements killed in Anbar University surroundings, says Anti-Terrorism

 15 ISIS elements killed in Anbar University surroundings, says Anti-Terrorism

Iraqi Counter-Terrorism forces. File photo.

Iraqi Anti-Terrorism forces.Archival photo.
Iraqi Anti-Terrorism forces.Archival photo.

( Baghdad – Deputy Commander of the Anti-Terrorism Operations in Anbar province, Brigadier General Abdul Amir al-Khazraji announced on Saturday killing 15 ISIS during clashes in the area of Al-Anbar University.

Khazraji said in an interview for, “A force of the anti-terrorism clashed with elements belonging to ISIS in the area of Anbar University west of Ramadi, killing 15 elements of the organization and destroying a vehicle.”

Khazraji added that: “the Anti-Terrorism forces are advancing in the liberation operations of Anbar University operations and inflected great material and human losses on ISIS ranks.”