Monday, September 23, 2024


784 ISIS elements killed in Mosul during the month of July

 784 ISIS elements killed in Mosul during the month of July

ISIS elements.Archival photo.

ISIS elements.Archival photo.
ISIS elements.Archival photo.

( Erbil – لإhe media official of the Kurdistan Democratic Party in Mosul Said Mimousini announced on Saturday that 784 ISIS elements were killed in Mosul during the month of July at the hands of the Peshmerga forces and strikes carried out by the international coalition airline, indicating that the organization had housed 415 Arab families in Shabak areas in Nineveh.

Mimousini said in an interview for, “The outcome of ISIS dead in Mosul at the hands of the Peshmerga forces and the international coalition flight during the month of July amounted to 784 people, including eight elements, who are German citizens and three French nationals.”

It is noteworthy that the international coalition led by the United States carries out air strikes on ISIS strongholds in Iraq and Syria, while the Peshmerga forces launch operations against the organization on the outskirts of Nineveh, Kirkuk and parts of Diyala province.