Wednesday, September 25, 2024


No truth to US intentions to establish Sunni region, says US Ambassador

 No truth to US intentions to establish Sunni region, says US Ambassador

US ambassador to Iraq, Stuart Jones

US ambassador to Iraq, Stuart Jones
US ambassador to Iraq, Stuart Jones

( Baghdad – On Sunday  the US ambassador to Iraq, Stuart Jones, denied the news that talk about the presence of US intentions to establish a Sunni region in the liberated areas of ISIS , stressing that his country is supportive of the unity of Iraq and supports the government of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi.

Jones said in in press statement: “There is no truth to the reports that talk about the presence of US intentions to establish a Sunni region after the liberation of areas from ISIS.”

Jones stressed that “the United States supports the unity and stability of Iraq as well as supporting the government of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi.”

The media picked up, during the past few days, several reports about Washington’s intention to establish a Sunni region in areas after its liberation from ISIS.