Monday, September 23, 2024


Integrity Committee reveals 90 corruption files condemn ministers

 Integrity Committee reveals 90 corruption files condemn ministers

Integrity Committee member, Abdul Karim Abtan

Integrity Committee member, Abdul Karim Abtan
Integrity Committee member, Abdul Karim Abtan

( Baghdad – The Integrity Committee in the House of Representatives presented on Sunday more than 90 corruption files to the public prosecutor, indicating that the files condemn current and former ministers.

The committee member, Abdul Karim Abtan, said during his interview with the program “a quarter of an hour,” which aired on “Alsumaria TV,” “The Integrity Commission delivered recently 99 corruption files to the Iraqi public prosecutor,” noting that, “the files related to electricity, tourism, fictitious contracts , armament and the Municipality of Baghdad.”

Abtan added that, “these files condemn current and former ministers.”