Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Over 75 terrorists killed in air strikes by Iraqi Air Force in Anbar

 Over 75 terrorists killed in air strikes by Iraqi Air Force in Anbar

Representational file photo.

Representational file photo.
Representational file photo.

(IraqiNews.com) Anbar – Media War Cell announced on Wednesday the  killing of more than 75 terrorists in air strikes launched by the Iraqi Air Force in Anbar Province.

The cell said in a statement received by IraqiNews.com, “The Iraqi Air Force carried out two sorties based on intelligence from the Intelligence and Investigations Agency. The first air trike targeted ISIS convoy in Anbar near the Syrian-Iraqi border, resulting in the killing of the terrorist Abu Salam, an ISIS leader, and the Saudi terrorist Ahmed Hammadi, in addition to killing 25 terrorists, while the second air strike targeted ISIS convoy in al-Wailiya area in Anbar, killing 50 terrorists from ISIS gangs.”