Monday, September 23, 2024


11 civilians injured in shelling by ISIS on Ameriyat, says District Council

 11 civilians injured in shelling by ISIS on Ameriyat, says District Council

Archival photo.

Archival photo.
Archival photo.

( al-Anbar – The president of Ameriyat District Council, Shaker Mahmoud al-Isawi, announced on Friday, that 11 civilians, including a number of women and children, have been injured in a shelling by “ISIS” militants on the district.

Isawi stated for IraqiNews, “The ISIS had shelled the district of al-Ameriyat (23 km south of Fallujah) by a number of mortar shells and Katyusha rockets,” pointing out that, “The shelling resulted in wounding more than 11 civilians including five women and three children.”