Sunday, September 22, 2024


Peshmerga and Anti-Terrorism forces liberate 7 villages south of Kirkuk

 Peshmerga and Anti-Terrorism forces liberate 7 villages south of Kirkuk

Peshmerga forces. File photo.

Peshmerga forces file photo.
Peshmerga forces file photo.

( Kirkuk – The leader of Patriotic Union of Kurdistan Party in Kirkuk province, Idris Adel, announced on Friday the liberation of seven villages in Daquq District south of the province.

Adel said in an interview for, “A force from Peshmerga and the anti-terrorism force began a massive operation to complete the liberation of Daquq district, (40 km south of Kirkuk),” noting that “The operation resulted in the liberalization of seven villages.”

Adel added that the “The international coalition warplanes provided air cover to ground forces.”