Friday, September 20, 2024


Shiite group claims kidnap of 18 Turkish workers

 Shiite group claims kidnap of 18 Turkish workers

A Shiite group has claimed responsibility for abducting 18 Turkish workers last week from Baghdad.

A Shiite group has claimed responsibility for abducting 18 Turkish workers last week from Baghdad.
A Shiite group has claimed responsibility for abducting 18 Turkish workers last week from Baghdad.

( A Shiite militia group that addresses itself as the “Death Squad” has claimed responsibility for the kidnap of 18 Turkish workers last week from Baghdad.

The video shows 18 of the abducted Turkish workers wearing T-shirts and kneeling in front of the Shiite gunmen, while the men state their names and their Turkish regions the come from.

The video, which was released on 11 September, is mainly addressed to Turkish President.

The militant group said: “In case these demands are not met by Erdogan and his party, we will crush the Turkish interests and their agents in Iraq by the most violent means.”

“We are foreign workers who have come here to earn our bread. We are victims as a result of foreign policies, some meaningless, inconsistent business,” one of the abducted men said.

The abductors, however, have not made any threat to the life of the kidnapped men.