Saturday, September 28, 2024


Iraqi forces kill 12 militants, destroy 4 ISIS defensive positions east of Ramadi

 Iraqi forces kill 12 militants, destroy 4 ISIS defensive positions east of Ramadi

The commander of the Federal Police Command, Raed Shakir Jawdat. Archival photo.

The commander of the federal police, Raed Shakir Jawdat. Archival photo.
The commander of the federal police, Raed Shakir Jawdat. Archival photo.

( al-Anbar – The commander of the federal police, Raed Shaker Jawdat, announced on Tuesday the killing of 12 element of the ISIS organization and the destruction of four defensive positions for them east of the city of Ramadi.

Jawdat said in a statement received by, “A force from the federal police clashed with members of ISIS with grenades and rockets in the eastern axis of the city of Ramadi, killing nine militants from the organization and destroying four defensive positions for them.”

He also added, “Another force from federal police belonging to the Third Commandos Brigade managed to kill three militants from ISIS and destroy a vehicle that was carrying large amounts of gear and projectiles near the water tank in Albu Bale area east of Ramadi.”