Sunday, September 22, 2024


Kurdistan announces the death of 250 Kurdish militants within ISIS ranks

 Kurdistan announces the death of 250 Kurdish militants within ISIS ranks

ISIS elements file photo.

ISIS elements file photo.
ISIS elements file photo.

( Erbil – On Wednesday the Ministry of Awqaf in Kurdistan region announced the killing of more than 250 Kurdish militants within the ranks of ISIS, stressing the decreasing of the number of armed Kurds in the ranks of the organization.

Relations Officer in the ministry, Mariwan Naqshbandi, said in an interview for ,”250 to 260 armed Kurds, who had joined ISIS ranks, were killed in the past period,” noting that “These militants were killed by aerial bombardments and attacks by the Peshmerga forces or executed on the background of their cooperation with the security services.”

Naqshbandi added that “the number of Kurdish militants in the ranks of ISIS did not exceed 500 people since ISIS had seized Mosul,” pointing out that “only 100 armed Kurds remain within the ranks of the organization now.”

He also pointed out that “about 100 armed Kurds left the ranks of the organization and returned to Kurdistan,” noting that “Some of them are still currently detained by the security authorities; others have been evacuated after the completion of the investigations with them.”