Tuesday, September 24, 2024


5 killed, 12 injured in suicide bombing north of Baquba

 5 killed, 12 injured in suicide bombing north of Baquba

Archival photo.

Archival photo.
Archival photo.

(IraqiNews.com) Diyala – On Monday, a source in Diyala police announced, that 17 people had been killed and wounded in a suicide bombing north of Baquba (55 km northeast of Baghdad).

The source said in an interview for IraqiNews.com “A car bomb driven by a suicide bomber exploded inside a garage near Rafidain Bank in Khalis district (15 km north of Baquba), resulting in the killing of five people and wounding 12 others.”

The source, who asked anonymity, added: “A security force rushed to the scene and transported the wounded to a nearby hospital to receive treatment and the bodies of the dead to the forensic medicine department.”