Saturday, September 28, 2024


Source: ISIS executes 3 clan elders from Jabour tribe in southern Nineveh

 Source: ISIS executes 3 clan elders from Jabour tribe in southern Nineveh

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Archival photo.
Archival photo.

( Nineveh – According to a local source in Nineveh, the ISIS militants executed three of the clan elders of Jabour tribe on charges of cooperating with the government forces in the province.

The source informed, “The ISIS organization committed, today, a new crime when it put three of the elders of Arab tribes from Jabour tribe inside cages and burned them in the center of Qayara District in southern Nineveh.”

The source, who requested anonymity, added, “The ISIS read the death sentence of the organization’s court after accusing them of spying and cooperating with the Iraqi government.”