Friday, September 20, 2024


Source: ISIS deploys boys wearing explosive belts to Sharqat

 Source: ISIS deploys boys wearing explosive belts to Sharqat

ISIS boys elements file photo.

ISIS boys elements file photo.
Archival photo.

( Salah AL-Dien – A local source in Salahuddin province announced on Wednesday, that the ISIS has deployed a number of elements of the so-called “caliphate battalion” to some places of Shirqat north of the province.

The source said in an interview for, “The ISIS organization has deployed a number of elements of what is known as “caliphate battalion” in some areas of Sharqat in northern Salahuddin,” noting that, “The elements were young boys between the ages of 14-17 years, heavily armed and masked.”

The source, who asked to remain anonymous, added: “Some elements of the battalion were wearing explosive belts,” pointing out that, “ISIS has brought them from one of its camps in Mosul in order to raise the morale of its fighters in Sharqat after the fall of Baiji.”