Sunday, September 29, 2024


Kawood announces killing 250 ISIS elements and destruction of ISIS headquarters in Albu Hayat

 Kawood announces killing 250 ISIS elements and destruction of ISIS headquarters in Albu Hayat

Iraqi security forces. File photo.

Iraqi security forces. Archival photo.
Iraqi security forces. Archival photo.

( al-Anbar – The leader of Albu Nimir tribe in Anbar, Naeem Kawood, announced on Saturday the destruction of the ISIS headquarters in the area of Albu Hayat west of Ramadi, while pointed out to the killing of 250 ISIS elements in the region.

Kawood said in a statement received by, “A force belonging to al-Jazeerah and al-Badiyah Operations, with support from the 7th division of the army, and backed by fighters from the clan of Albu Nimir and al-Jaghaiyfa as well as other clans, had managed to destroy the headquarters of ISIS in the area of Albu Hayat in the city of Haditha (160 km west of Ramadi),” adding that, “250 ISIS elements had been killed, in addition to destroying 15 vehicles for the group, including a booby-trapped vehicle and another that was carrying weapons.”