Saturday, September 28, 2024


Iraq achieves the highest daily export rate in decades

 Iraq achieves the highest daily export rate in decades

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( Baghdad – The Oil Ministry announced on Tuesday, that Iraq has exported more than 100 million barrels of oil from southern fields in November, asserting that the daily average of exports was the highest in decades.

Ministry spokesman Assem Jihad said in a statement received by “the total volume of the exported oil last month amounted to approximately one hundred million, 945 thousand and 867 barrels.”

Jihad added that “Iraq was unable to export through the northern port of Ceyhan because of Kurdistan region’s lack of commitment to the oil agreement,” stressing that “the price of the barrel amounted to $ 36 and 420 cents.”

He also pointed out that “the total financial revenue generated in November amounted to more than three billion and 676 million and 413 thousand dollars,” pointing out that “the national production of crude oil, excluding the Kurdistan region, amounted to three million and 657 barrels per day.”