Friday, September 20, 2024


Dozens demonstrate in central Baghdad against the entry of Turkish troops

 Dozens demonstrate in central Baghdad against the entry of Turkish troops

Archival photo

Archival photo
Archival photo

( Baghdad – On Tuesday, dozens of people demonstrated in front of the Turkish embassy building in central Baghdad to protest against the entry of Turkish troops into Iraqi territory, demanding the withdrawal of these forces “immediately.”

The reporter of said that, ”dozens of people demonstrated, today, in front of the Turkish embassy building in central Baghdad to protest against the entry of Turkish troops to Iraq.”

The reporter added that the demonstrators carried banners denouncing this intervention and demanding the withdrawal of the troops “immediately.”

Noteworth the office of the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi announced on Saturday (5 December 2015) that a Turkish armored regiment with a number of tanks had entered Iraqi territory, specifically in the province of Nineveh.