Monday, September 23, 2024


International Monetary Fund signs agreement with Iraq to control its economy

 International Monetary Fund signs agreement with Iraq to control its economy

The International Monetary Fund logo

The International Monetary Fund logo
The International Monetary Fund logo

( Baghdad – On Tuesday the International Monetary Fund announced signing an agreement with Iraq in the coming days about a program to monitor the economy and following-up the effective administrative performance of Iraq, emphasizing that the program aims to cut spending and reduce the deficit to consolidate a financial program to be agreed upon next year.

The director of the Middle East Office of the IMF, Masood Ahmed, said in a statement on the sidelines of a conference in Dubai followed by “The IMF is seeking to sign an agreement with Iraq on a monitoring program of its economy.”

“This program will follow-up and monitor the effective performance of the Iraqi financial authorities which will lead to the creation of a financial program to be agreed upon next year,” he added.

Noteworthy, Iraq had previously agreed with the IMF on monitoring the economic policies of Baghdad.